Surf Lifesavers on Patrol

Surf lifesavers are people who volunteer their time to provide aquatic supervision along the Australian coast. Volunteer surf lifesavers are an amazing group of people who provide a unique humanitarian service.

Surf lifesaving in the NT achieves a great deal with limited resources. In addition to our professional Lifeguard service and club based patrols, elite lifesavers provide a 24hr marine search and rescue service for recreational boat users in and around Darwin Harbour.

Currently Surf Life Saving NT has more than 300 active lifesavers, all members of our affiliated community based clubs, who provide volunteer patrols on NT beaches every weekend of the Dry Season. 

All surf lifesavers complete their training through their local Surf Life Saving Club for the Certificate II in Public Safety (Aquatic Rescue) - this nationally accredited qualification includes the coveted SLS Bronze Medallion. Lifesavers are also trained in many Powercraft and Emergency Care awards which assist with their patrolling operations. They learn to crew and operate Inflatable Rescue Boats and Rescue Water Craft (Jetski's).

Surf lifesavers wear the internationally recognised red and yellow patrol cap, and a red and yellow uniform.