Officials are the key to the effective running of all Lifesaving events. An official is any person who controls or judges the technical aspects of a competition through the application of rules and laws of the sport. We need officials to ensure the spirit of the event is observed and enjoyed by all.

Official accreditation is broken down into three (3) separate levels:

  1. Core
  2. Technical, and
  3. Senior Official

Descriptions of these roles can be found in section 13 (pg. 269) of the Surf Sports Manual.

Prerequisites to be an official

  • Must be 16 years or older
  • Must be a financial member of Surf Life Saving Northern Territory or another SLSA or RLSSA organization.
  • Must have a Working with Children Check (Ochre Card) - If 18 years and over.

READY TO START? View the accreditation process and begin now!

For more information about Official Courses, please contact

SLSA Offical Pathway 

Core Official 

Work with entry level participants from U8-U14 age categories at junior competitions and will be supervised at competitions by a competent Technical (or above) accredited Official. Roles may include Marshall, Recorder, Timekeeper and/or Finish Judge. For more information - Core Official Overview

Technical Official 

Fulfill specific officiating roles and are permitted to officiate at Club, Branch, State events. Officiating roles may include Marshall/Check-Marshall, Starter/Check-Starter, Timekeeper, Recorder and/or Finish Judge. For more information - Technical Official Overview

Senior Official 

Work with athletes competing in State/National Surf Sports Competition. Suitable for an existing Technical official with experience in the field. Officiating roles may include Referee/Area Referee/Sectional Referee, Chief Judge and/or Course Supervisor. 

Process for becoming a Senior Official:

  1. Must hold SLSA Technical Official Award. 
  2. Must have completed Working With Children Card Check
  3. Must have completed the free Australian Sports Commission 'Online Officiating Course' 
  4. Enroll in SLSA Online Modules (SLS - Senior Official) as expression of interest.
  5. Attend face-to-face Senior Official Course.  

READY TO START? View the accreditation process and begin now!


All Official accreditations last four (4) years.

Within these 4 years, an official must obtain 100 officiating points (recorded in their logbook - please see logbook for point system) to be eligible to reaccredit.

To reaccredit your officiating qualification please send your proof of the 100points and the completed Officials Reaccreditation Form (signed by you and endorsed by your club) to SLSNT at

If your accreditation has expired for longer than 3 months, then you may be required to obtain a new qualification.


Accreditation Process for Officials

Re-Accreditation Form

Core Official Overview

Technical Official Overview

SLSA Officiating Training Plan

Surf Sports Manual